A 2012 Alumna Brings Christmas to Life

Laura Barbieri, a 2012 LCS graduate and current grad student, is bringing stories to life. Having studied musical theatre at Cornerstone University, communications at Moody Bible Institute, and written several plays, Laura has developed her gifting as a writer and has truly discovered what it means to glorify God with her gifts and talents.

Her most recent work is Christmas Caravan, an interactive walk-through experience of the very first Christmas. It is being performed at Grace Point Church in Adrian this Friday and Saturday, December 10-11. She is often inspired by scripture in her writing, and as someone who loves to tell a story, says “there’s so much more we can experience anew” in the story surrounding the birth of Christ. One of the things that she loves about the script, and what she hopes people take away from this experience, is that the first century world was not all that different from what we live in today. They had many of the same struggles, hopes, and concerns we do. They needed a savior in their lives, and theirs came to earth in a humble way. He is the very same Savior we need today. Because Jesus Christ showed up for them, He shows up for all of us.

Being immersed in this live-action tale gives audiences a way to feel a part of the age-old story. In this production, Laura discovered how rewarding it is to work together with a faith-based community for the glory of God. When her passion for writing integrates with her faith, she can work with like-minded people to not only tell a story, but to share the gospel.

For those who have been to the event in years past, this year’s edition of Christmas Caravan will have many new additions and is even more interactive for audience members. Laura is excited to invite all to experience Heaven touching earth in a humble stable. “Come to Christmas Caravan! It is exciting, fresh, and new!”


Fruitful is a friendly design and strategy company in Omaha Nebraska.


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